Professional Voice Talent, Amateur Actor and Knitter

Category: family

Reading et al.

I’ve started a new blog on Xanga to keep track of the books I read this year. Head over there if you’re interested at all.

I did finally finish the Border Collie I was making my mother, though not in time for Christmas (more like New Year). Sewing it up took way longer than I’d expected. I have some pics, but they’re on my laptop and I’m currently at work, so I’ll post them later. I’m not terribly thrilled with the way it turned out. For one thing, I wasn’t able to find eyes in the right size. The pattern called for 12mm, and the smallest I could find was 15mm, so he looks a bit bug-eyed. Also, in retrospect (meaning after I’d sewn him up), I realized I should have put way more stuffing in him, especially in his front legs, because they were getting a bit floppy and he couldn’t sit up straight. Still, it was my first attempt at a stuffed animal, so it wasn’t too bad, and mum was quite pleased with him. She’s named him Toby and she sits him on her bed every morning with his front paws on the window sill “so he can see out and amuse himself while she’s at work”. 🙂

Now, in reaction to two fairly complicated projects (the dog and the shawl), I’m working on something nice and simple, where I don’t have to think at all, just let me fingers do their thing while I watch tv. I’m making a Gryffindor scarf. I’m actually nearly done with it. I mean it to be about six feet long and it’s already nearly as long as I am tall (meaning 5’2″). I’ll take some pics of it once I’m done (possibly wearing both it and my masters’ gown, for better effect :))

I’ve also been working on my first pair of socks. I found a toe-up pattern that looked pretty and I started them about two or three months ago, but the needle size they recommended was way too small, and it made the knitting too tight and hard to work (plus I didn’t like the way the pattern said to do the increases – it made the fabric untidy). So, I frogged what I’d done so far and started over with some larger needles. I’ve done about half the length of my foot on the first one and I think, maybe I should have done one needle size smaller (the original was US 0, and I went up to US 3) because it’s a little loose, but I think I can fix it. Anyway, I’ll post pics of them too, when I’m done.

She's alive!

Hmm… looks like the new trend on my blog is one post per semester. Well, couldn’t be helped, it was a busy term. Still is, actually. I should be studying for my database final which is first thing tomorrow morning, but I thought I’d do my duty as an upstanding member of the Procrastinators’ Guild and avoid it for a little while. I did look over the study guide, and it’s really just the bits that are from the first half of the semester that I need to go over. Most of the rest of it we’ve been using fairly constantly in class and on assignments so I’m comfortable with it.

So, can’t wait to go shopping this weekend. Tomorrow’s payday, which means I can finally get my Christmas shopping done. I’m going to Mexico to spend the holiday with my brother and his family so I have to get stuff for both the kids. Apparently, they want football cleats (read soccer, Americans). Well, that’s easy enough, but I’d also like to get them something fun. That’s harder, because nobody can seem to give us an idea of what they like these days! It’s the problem with living so far away, you don’t get to know the little details of everyday life.

Back to the old grind…

Well, that’s summer over. Two more classes under my belt, and just six to go before I finish my masters. Yay! If all goes well, I’ll just have to endure one more Texas summer! I really, really want to move somewhere cooler when I finish.

Just got back from vacation. Second day back at work, today. I spent a week in California with my mother. Among other things, we went to the Hollywood Bowl and saw their production of Camelot. I was very pleasantly surprised to find that they had Jeremy Irons in the role of Arthur. Very, very cool. Needless to say, there were a whole lot more people there that day than the time I went to see Regina Carter.

Now I’m just trying to get through Seussical. Hmm… that makes it sound like it’s a complete drag, but it’s not. I’m having a great time, it’s just that it’s very time consuming, and I’m always tired. I guess it doesn’t help that I’m both stage managing and acting in it. Still, just a week and a half more of rehearsals and then we open. Scary thought! Should be a really good show.

Spring cleaning?

One thing about having a parent come to visit, is that I feel the need to make sure everything in the apartment is really clean and tidy. Ok, let me make that a bit more specific. One thing about having my mother come to visit, because when my dad came, I just vaccumed and called it a day. So… spring cleaning in December. It’s been an interesting (and busy) weekend. And I haven’t quite finished yet.

I’ve also spent a little time finishing a couple of books that I wasn’t sure she’d approve of, so I could get them out of sight. No, no, get your mind out of the gutter! It’s just that my parents are both pretty conservative, and I think they’d have kittens if they saw that I was reading a series of mysteries featuring Chicago’s only wizard that advertises in the phone book (the Dresden Files, by Jim Butcher). Vampires, fey folk, demons… yeah, they’d think I’d gone over to the dark side. But if they don’t know, they can’t fuss me about it.


So bored! I’m running out of things to do and a university library during the holidays is just not a really exciting place in and of itself if you don’t have any work to do. I’m vaguely considering heading down to the coffeeshop, just to see if it’s open. Anything to get me moving at least for a short time.

Well, one good thing about it only being the first week of the holidays, is that there are still student workers around, so at least I have someone to chat with today. Next week? No such luck. I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself next week. Well, at least it’ll be a short week. Yay! And my mother will be coming in Wednesday or Thursday evening. Double yay!

Life is good!

I’m free! Woohoo! Free from what, you ask? Classes, of course! I had a project, a final and a paper; the paper was the last I finished and I turned that in to the prof on Tuesday. Now I just have to wait for the results, but I’m fairly confident of both my classes. Well, actually, fairly confident of one, and 100% certain of the other.

And now I just have a couple of weeks of work before Christmas break; and we’re getting three extra holidays this year (I’m convinced we were given them so we wouldn’t complain as much about not having gotten raises this year), so I won’t have to use any of my hard earned vacation days for the break! Woohoo again!

This year my mother’s coming to stay with me for Christmas, and we’re giving each other bowling balls for gifts. Are we nerds or what! In order to each get exactly what we like, we’re each buying our own ball, and then we’re going to swap and give them back to each other Christmas day. The whole idea makes me giggle. Only problem is that I’m having a bit of trouble finding a place to buy mine near Waco. I have one lead left that I need to follow up, but if it doesn’t work, I’m going to have to start calling bowling alleys in Austin or Fort Worth.


I was recently sent some photos from the wedding of one of my cousins in England. Apparently, my birth-mother and her husband run a “silliest hat” contest at events like these.

First Place Now, I ask you, who on earth told this person that this was attractive, or indeed, even a hat?? In case you were wondering, this was the first place winner.

Second place went to the mother of the bride, who was wearing a very large, black and white, feathered concoction that didn’t match the rest of her outfit.

Third place also had feathers, they seemed to be the accessory of choice that day. It looked rather like something worn by a Shakespearean sprite. One who was, perhaps slightly tispy… and didn’t have a mirror.

My aunt, the mother of the groom, was quite thrilled that her hat, a rather subdued upside-down flower pot type number, didn’t make the top three.

Myself, I tend to stay away from hats. There are really only four occasions on which I will wear a hat. One: if it’s part of a costume for a play. Two: if I’m having a bad hair day and don’t have to go to work. Three: if I’m going to be spending a while out in the sun and will need a sunshade (both two and three are usually baseball caps). Four: in winter, to keep the tops of my ears warm. And I usually try to stay away from feathers, fruit, flowers, stuffed animals, small cages with live animals, etc.

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