Professional Voice Talent, Amateur Actor and Knitter


According to (which hosts LV’s files), my version of Pride and Prejudice has now been downloaded over one million times, making it the third most downloaded item in the LibriVox collection! I’m so glad y’all have enjoyed it so much. It was one of the most fun to record! 🙂


Where the wind comes sweepin’ down the plain



  1. Janeen

    Well deserved! It is one of my favorites!!

  2. Your version of Pride and Prejudice is fabulous! I’ve listened to it so many times that if it were vinyl, it would have worn out by now. It has gotten me through multiple car rides and many sleepless nights.

    I just figured out how to find other Librivox readings by you — I started Persuasion tonight and plan to follow that up with Sense and Sensibility. Then maybe I’ll go for some of the works that are new to me. Or maybe a little Shakespeare.

    Thank you so much for bringing these stories to life so beautifully!

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