Professional Voice Talent, Amateur Actor and Knitter


Something I’ve noticed during this conference: I’ve been retaining more information from the sessions where I’ve knitted than the ones where I tried to take notes (too many distractions available when taking notes on a machine w/internet access).


Conference week


Starting a trend


  1. Karthikeyan

    I’m listening to your narration of the scarlet pimpernel as I type this.. Have been for the past two weeks or so and was wondering who you are :). Lovely narration. Thoroughly enjoying it!

  2. Eileen

    I have listened to almost all your narrations for Librivox. I absolutely love listening to your voice and your accents! I love Librivox and listening to books while I walk around my neighborhood to get some exercise. Some people are hard to listen to , but you are so delightful! And I love the books you choose, just my type.

    I am listening to ” Cecilia, Memoirs of an heiress” and I so wish it was you reading!

    Take care and God Bless!

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