My b-mum sent me a note before Christmas to let me know she’d sent me a small package by snail mail, but when I got back from CA, it wasn’t there. I was bummed because I thought the neighbourhood vandals had struck again and nicked it off the porch. But! It turns out the post was just really, really slow. Got the package today and had a lot of fun trying to get into her mad packaging (re-using bits of an old amazon box and lots and lots of packing tape!). I’ve been giggling and grinning for the past half hour at one of the items in the package… a Discworld wall calendar. Hee!
Norah Ringma
What’s that old expression . . . better late than never.
I have a friend who lives in the UK who mails me a magazine every month. Some arrive within 5 days of posting, others take two and a half months. It’s the difference between being put on an airplane and in the hold of a ship. I doubt there are any ships sailing mail around the US but there are most likely some trucks that make many, many stops between point A and point B.
I have enjoyed your Librivox recordings immensely. My favourites are The Railway Children, the Scarlet Pimpernel stories, the Anne Shirley stories and, above all, Pride and Prejudice. Your reading of P&P is as good as or better than the BBC mini-series from the mid 90s. Thank you for all the hours of pleasurable listening.
I just found your reading of The Scarlet Pimpernel! It’s one of my all time favs!
Thank you so much for reading this. I will enjoy listening to this on my drive to class.
Discworld! I love that you’re a fan.
Amanda Knox
Dear Karen,
I continue to hope you will finnish something new for Librivox soon, as you are such an amazing voice talent.
I have listened to most of your recordings (except those in Spanish) and am constantly returning to P & P. My favourite piece of literature in the world as it stands, but your recording is excellence in itself. Must have heard it more than 5 times by now, and continue to come back to it. Nothing on the market is done better, I assure you.
You have a very natural and convincing style when you read, and I hope you will be submitting Sense and Sensibility soon.
Keep up the good works, and many thanks!
It might not pay much, but it means more to people out there than you might ever know!!
Bob Carver
This remindes me of the time when I mailed an entry form and payment for my son to enter a Waco tennis tournament. Since I was mailing it from Austin, about 100 miles south of Waco, you would expect it to arrive overnight. It took 3 weeks!
Just remember, most of the cost of postage is a storage fee.
Hello, just wanted to say thank you for your great performance in the different librivox readings! You have a wonderful voice and you do a great job reading those books. The secret garden I enjoyed really much. The railway children was nice as well. I listen to audiobooks about 6 hours every day at work and you are among the absolutly best of all readers. Thank you again!
/johan from sweden
meirion from Wales
Dear Karen
I’m a keen librivox addict when walking and driving so I thought I’d let you know how much I admired your reading of Secret Garden. It was a real pleasure from start to finish, and I’d echo Johan’s sentiment completely. You have a great talent, keep up the good work. I’m on to your Uncle Vanya now!
Meirion from Wales
I WISH you’d record “Anne’s House of Dreams” and “Anne of Windy Poplars”. The woman who does AHOD is just awful and no one has done AOWP! I would be the happiest girl in the world if you’d consider doing these for librivox!!!! You are wonderful!
Thanks for the compliment.
I have “Anne’s House of Dreams” on my list of books to read, but I’m afraid “Anne of Windy Poplars” is still in copyright, so I can’t do it for LibriVox.