Bleh, I’ve let the whole blog thing slide again.
OK, let’s see… highlights since the last post. Finished A Christmas Carol; as usual, it was fun getting to play with friends from previous shows and meeting new ones.
I’ve discovered that Lucy only gets along with humans that she meets with their dogs (at least, that’s my theory). Mum and Nathalie drove in from California to spend Christmas. I had suggested to Mum that she bring Lassie to play with Lucy, but in the end she decided not to. They were here for ten days, and Lucy never really warmed up to either of them. But people like Crista and Eileen she goes crazy over. Mum was a bit miffed (especially when Crista came home halfway through their visit and Lucy went crazy greeting her). I don’t think she’d ever before met a dog that she couldn’t win over quickly. Maybe next time she’ll listen to me and bring Lassie. 🙂
I made a sweater and a little hat for Tredessa’s Jaxon. I finally finished the sweater over Christmas holiday. I found a pattern for a sweater with a train on it, and changed the colours so that it would look a bit like the Hogwarts Express. It was my first attempt at intarsia colour work. I don’t think I’ll be trying it again very soon. The knitting itself wasn’t a problem, but weaving in all the fifty thousand ends I ended up with was a pain in the patootie. Still, it turned out quite nice.

Train Jumper for Jaxon
I was contacted by a lady from a small publishing company called I Publish. A lot of what they do seems to be out of print classics, along with some new authors. She had heard some of my LibriVox recordings and wanted to know if I’d be interested in reading for them (for pay!). Naturally, I said yes, and she sent me a couple of chapters of Clara Vaughan by Richard D. Blackmore (better known for Lorna Doone) to record as an audition piece. She wanted them by the end of this month, and I sent them in last week. She emailed me that she’d received my files and would be listening to them over the weekend, so fingers crossed!
I have my dad here for a while. With the help of some of his friends in the DR and Andy and Auntie Ruth, we got him out of the DR (we sort of hijacked him, since he couldn’t make up his own mind). He’s been here a little over a week, and will be here till Andy gets a permanent situation settled for him over in the UK (much as I love him, hopefully soon).
Lisa Anne Winebarger
I am so glad you have been approached do professional reading. I discovered Librivox after receiving a new mp3 player for Christmas and have been sent off to Dreamland these past few weeks listening to your wonderful interpretation of the Anne novels. I am now enjoying the Little Princess. I am in awe of your command of English, Spanish and French and am more than a little envious. It is very difficult listening to other books done by other readers now so I guess I will have to exhaust the list of works you have read before I am forced to move on, or actually buy an audio book. Thanks so much for doing what you do… you should be doing it professionally as you are such a talent, but I certainly don’t mind that you volunteer!
Lisa Anne Winebarger
Rachel West
I have listened to The Scarlet Pimpernel, the Elusive Pimpernel, and El Dorado, and I absolutely loved them. I very much enjoy your readings of them and I wish you would do more. I cannot find any more audio versions of Baroness Orczy’s classic tales of the Scarlet Pimpernel. I would be so delighted if you would do more of her books.
Thank you so much,
A fan
I just finished listening to “Anne of Green Gables” and really enjoyed your narration. What a lovely voice and talented interpretation! Now I can’t wait to get to your other recordings, starting next with “Pride & Prejudice”…
Thank you so much for your great work!