Professional Voice Talent, Amateur Actor and Knitter


So, on Saturday I went to my first Baylor football game since I was an undergrad. The library won a “does your department have spirit” photo contest and we were given 200 tickets to split among us. I figured, since it was free, why not? I mean, sure I don’t like football, but watching the game isn’t really the reason I go to sporting events, it’s to hang out with friends (except tennis matches… I do enjoy watching those, but that might just be because I understand all the rules). So I went. There was also a tailgate party beforehand. MB came with me as my “tailgate date”, and then I sat with her and her friends on the student side. We definitely looked like we were having a better time on our side than where my real seats were supposed to be. We were right next to the band, and as MB and her friends are all ex-band members, I had coaches on what to yell when. So, even though we got slaughtered, and Baylor’s level of play was atrocious, I did have a good time. I don’t think I’ll be running out to buy season tickets any time soon, but it’s OK for once in a while. Plus the fact that I had such a good time yelling with MB and her friends that I yelled myself almost hoarse and didn’t get to do any recording the rest of the weekend, so it’s definitely not something I want to do regularly.

Tissue Box Cover

I also made one of these this weekend. Now, normally, I’m not into these sorts of items. They’re too frou-frou for my taste, but it this case, frou-frou was exactly what I was looking for. I made it as a prank for my office-mate, Eric… in pink yarn with little pastel flecks. I’m just waiting for him to step out of the office for a few minutes so I can slip it onto his tissue box. This all started because he and another guy wrapped everything in the girl across the hall’s office in foil for her birthday a few months ago, and a couple of weeks ago, when we were helping him move his desk around, she found the two boxes of foil in one of his desk drawers and decided to take revenge. I’ve been helping her, because it’s fun. I’m getting a little nervous though, because he hasn’t retaliated yet.


New project…


Covering things up

1 Comment

  1. Melissa

    You crazy IT people have all the fun. We just joke about book titles. I’m definitely jealous now.

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